How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost Without Insurance?

Understanding the Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal Without Insurance

Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure that many people undergo, often in their late teens or early twenties. However, the cost of this procedure can be a significant concern, especially for those without dental insurance. In this blog post, we will explore the various factors that influence the cost of wisdom teeth removal, provide an overview of typical expenses, and offer tips on how to manage these costs effectively.

Risks of Wisdom Teeth Removal

While wisdom teeth removal is generally safe, it does come with some risks. Understanding these risks can help you prepare better for the procedure and recovery.

  1. Dry Socket: One of the most common complications is dry socket, which occurs when the blood clot at the extraction site fails to develop or becomes dislodged. This can cause severe pain and delay healing.
  2. Nerve Injury: There is a risk of nerve injury, which can lead to temporary or permanent numbness in the lower lip, chin, or tongue. This is more common with lower wisdom teeth extractions.
  3. Infection: Post-operative infections can occur, characterized by symptoms such as fever, swelling, and discharge from the extraction site. Proper aftercare is essential to minimize this risk.

Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Proper preparation can make the wisdom teeth removal process smoother and reduce the risk of complications. Here are some steps to take before your procedure:

  1. Consultation and X-rays: Schedule a consultation with your dentist or oral surgeon. They will take X-rays to assess the position of your wisdom teeth and plan the extraction procedure.
  2. Arrange Transportation: Since you may be sedated during the procedure, arrange for someone to drive you home afterward. You will not be able to drive yourself.
  3. Stock Up on Soft Foods: Prepare for your recovery by stocking up on soft foods like yogurt, applesauce, and soups. Avoid using straws, as the suction can dislodge the blood clot and cause dry socket.


Compare the Best Wisdom Teeth Insurance

Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal in the USA

The cost of wisdom teeth removal can vary widely depending on several factors, including whether you have insurance. Here’s a breakdown of typical costs:

  1. Without Insurance: The cost of wisdom teeth removal without insurance can range from $200 to $700 per tooth for simple extractions. For impacted teeth, the cost can be between $250 and $1,100 per tooth. The total cost for removing all four wisdom teeth can range from $720 to $4,000.
  2. With Insurance: Dental insurance can significantly reduce the cost of wisdom teeth removal. On average, insurance covers 50% to 80% of the total cost. This means you might pay around $641 per tooth, or approximately $2,564 for all four teeth.
  3. Additional Costs: Other costs to consider include the type of anesthesia used, which can add $40 to $200 per tooth, and any necessary pre-operative or post-operative care, such as X-rays or follow-up visits. These additional expenses can add up, so it’s important to get a comprehensive estimate from your dental provider.

Recovery Process After Wisdom Teeth Removal

The recovery process after wisdom teeth removal can vary depending on the complexity of the extraction and individual healing rates. Here’s a general timeline and some tips to help you through the recovery:

Immediate Post-Surgery (First 24 Hours)

  1. Blood Clots Formation: Blood clots will form at the extraction sites, which is crucial for healing. Avoid disturbing these clots to prevent complications like dry socket.
  2. Swelling and Pain: Expect swelling, pain, and some bleeding. Applying ice packs to your cheeks can help reduce swelling.
  3. Rest: Rest is essential. Avoid strenuous activities and keep your head elevated when lying down.

Days 2-4

  1. Increased Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising may peak during this period. Continue using ice packs and take prescribed pain medications as directed.
  2. Soft Foods: Stick to a diet of soft foods like yogurt, applesauce, and mashed potatoes. Avoid using straws, as the suction can dislodge blood clots.
  3. Oral Hygiene: Gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water to keep the extraction sites clean. Avoid brushing the extraction area directly.

Days 5-14

  1. Reduced Swelling and Pain: Swelling and pain should gradually decrease. You can start introducing more solid foods as you feel comfortable.
  2. Stitches Removal: If you have stitches, they may dissolve on their own or need to be removed by your dentist.
  3. Return to Normal Activities: Most people can return to their normal activities within a week, but avoid strenuous exercise until fully healed.

Foods to Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After wisdom teeth removal, it’s important to avoid certain foods to ensure a smooth recovery and prevent complications. Here are some foods you should steer clear of:

  1. Hard and Crunchy Foods: Foods like nuts, chips, and popcorn can easily get stuck in the extraction site and irritate the healing tissue. They can also dislodge the blood clot, leading to a painful condition known as dry socket.
  2. Spicy and Acidic Foods: Spicy foods can cause irritation and discomfort in the surgical area. Acidic foods and drinks, such as citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, and vinegar, can also irritate the gums and delay healing.
  3. Chewy and Sticky Foods: Foods that require a lot of chewing, like steak, jerky, and chewy candies, can strain the jaw and disturb the healing process. Sticky foods like caramel can get stuck in the extraction site and are difficult to clean out.

Additional Tips

  • Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco: Alcohol can interfere with the healing process and interact negatively with pain medications. Tobacco use can significantly increase the risk of complications, including infection and dry socket.
  • Skip Carbonated Drinks: Carbonated beverages can cause discomfort and may dislodge the blood clot. Stick to water and non-carbonated drinks.
  • No Straws: Avoid using straws for at least a week, as the suction can dislodge the blood clot and lead to dry socket.


Wisdom teeth removal is a necessary procedure for many people, but the cost can be a major concern, especially without insurance. By understanding the factors that influence the cost, knowing the typical expenses involved, and exploring strategies to manage these costs, you can make informed decisions and find ways to make the procedure more affordable. Remember to consult with your dentist to get a detailed estimate and discuss all available options to ensure you receive the best care at a price you can afford.